Saturday, 24 July 2010

Go Shorty, It's your birthday. We're gonna party like it's your birthday...

My 21st Birthday was at the beginning of January. I was in London and luckily so were my family. For the last two years until recently, Dad was working in London leaving my Mum and Pippa in Ottawa. He used to fly back here every 10 weeks or so and see them, very complicated! So he & I were in London (NOT living together, I hasten to add, that would have been a nightmare!) and they were in Canada. Anyway the point of this rather longwinded explanation is that M & P were in London for Christmas. We had the perfect London day. Breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien on the Kings Rd near Dad’s flat, shopping at Harrods then Selfridges, lunch at Sticky Fingers in Kensington and then a relaxed evening. It was lovely but not particularly celebratory. My best friends are all here in Canada so I never really had a chance to celebrate with them. SO (are you still with me?!) this weekend my best friend in the whole world Tia, who’s 23 on Tuesday, and I are celebrating her birthday and my belated one. We are both getting hotel rooms at a hotel downtown and having our closest friends over to predrink and celebrate and then heading to a club to meet the rest of our friends. I am SO looking forward to it! I only wish that some of my London friends could be here and come out with us.
The point of this whole shiz is that a big night out requires beaucoup de preparation. I got ma hair did yesterday (ps. why is it so expensive?!), had a spray tan today (post coming on that, I promise!) and have a whole list of various things I need to do tomorrow. Like most girls I know, lists are basically my favourite things. Here are my lists for all the things I need to take with me to the hotel. I’ll check in at three and then the primping starts! I love getting ready to go out...maybe even more than the actual going out?!

(Excuse hideous, chipped nail polish! All will be redeemed when do nails tomorrow!)
Um yes I am taking four possible pairs of shoes. Here’s my issue. I love heels, they’re beautiful, sophisticated, make legs look longer etc etc, however, I cannot, for love nor money walk further than about 10 feet in them. I have tried a million different pairs and keep buying them, positive that these are the pair that will change me, with no luck. Any tips? 
Oh yeah, If you follow me on Twitter you’ll know I got the bargain of the century when it came to my dress. I kind of knew what I was looking for, had a look in a few stores, tried a few things on, one of which (A Herve Leger style black bandage dress...bit too clingy though) I quite liked. So I put it on hold and was umming and aahing about it. Then the next day I went to a different mall and found the most perfect dress, exactly what I was looking for, that fits perfectly and it came to the grand total of...are you ready...$14. It was on sale from $100 to $24 and then there was an extra 40 percent off. That’s amazing! They do that all the time in North America, you’ll find something on sale and then when you take it to the cash, there’s another massive discount! So that was fab. Love finding bargains!
I’ve been thinking about makeup too. Was originally going to do very dark black smoky but am thinking might do a more Kardashian-esque smoky eye. We’ll see...maybe I’ll do a tutorial on the final look if anyone’s interested?
Anyway this post is basically me just blathering on now so I’ll sign off. Anyone have any pre going out rituals they’d like to share, let me know in the comments!
Speak soon!
Love Sophie xx

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