Erm yes, once again it's been ridiculously long since I posted. However New Year etc etc blah blah blah. I am going to try and post more.
WOW, a lot has happened since I last posted my IMATS post. Am basically settled into the new house now, although still have an unfeasible amount of things in the garage that I need to get round to unpacking/throwing out. Christmas has come and gone. Was lovely, quiet with all the Grandparents in England but lovely. New Years was the same. This week it was my 22nd Birthday too so everything kind of happened at once!
A few posts back I was lamenting my lack of direction living in Ottawa, not sure about what I was going to do but looking for something related to my degree. I wasn't sure whether there was anything really in Ottawa for me. Well I'm a big believer in The Secret (will post more on that at some point) mainly thanks to my friend Rebecca and lo and behold, I have a new job! I'm still working at my makeup job part-time, as my new job is part-time too at the moment but I'm loving it!
I'm working for a young media company here in Ottawa. I'm doing a variety of things from Social Media to writing a couple of things for one of their magazines to helping with PR/marketing and I'm really enjoying it! Everyone is lovely and it's SO nice to be doing something other than retail. It's the perfect job for me as I get to do all the things I love doing and spent three years at University studying for. Crazy how things just seem to happen.
In other news, I am going to Vegas on monday for a week. VERY EXCITED!
Am going with Best Friend Tia and cannot wait! Shopping, drinking, sightseeing, eating, relaxing. I've been before with my parents when I was about 16 but that's really not the same! Any suggestions on anything we must do while we're there, please let me know!
Wish me safe flights and I'll post when I get back, with a Vegas recap! Am definitely hitting up the Mac Pro store at Caesar's Palace and the CCO at the outlets.
Speak soon!!
Love, Sophie xx
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